
Kindly browse your automation parts that you are looking for on this page! MISEL does offer automation parts from other brands as well such as SIKO, WAGO, AUTONICS, FUJI, and many more. In addition, we also offer support services such as product introduction, installation to our customers who purchase automation parts. To get further details especially about price and availability status of products, don’t be hesitate to contact our marketing team. We are always available to assist you to get your automation needs. Thank You!


The CX-One is a comprehensive software package that integrates PLC Programming Software with Support Software for setting up Networks, Programmable Terminals, Servo Systems, Inverters, and Temperature Controllers.

CX-One software allows users to build, configure and program a host of devices such as PLCs, HMIs and motion-control systems and networks using just one software package with one installation and license number. This greatly reduces the complexity of the configuration and allows automation systems to be programmed or configured with minimal training.
  • One software to support programming PLCs + HMI, networks, motion & drive, regulation & switching and sensor s
  • Common look-&-feel for configuration of all devices
  • One installation and license number for all software
  • On-line registration offers free upgrade, free libraries, FAQ and help


Support Software

The following tables lists the Support Software that can be installed from CX-One
Support Software in CX-One Outline
CX-Programmer Application software to create and debug programs for CS/CJ/CP/NSJ-series, C-series, and CVM1/CV-series CPU Units. Data can be created and monitored for high-speed-type Position Control Units.
CX-Integrator Application software to build and set up FA networks, such as Controller Link, DeviceNet, CompoNet, CompoWay, and Ethernet networks. The Routing Table Component and Data Link Component can be started from here. DeviceNet Configuration functionality is also included.
Switch Box Utility Utility software that helps you to debug PLCs. It helps you to monitor the I/O status and to monitor/change present values within the PLC you specify.
CX-Protocol Application software to create protocols (communications sequences) between CS/CJ/CP/NSJ-series or C200HX/HG/HE Serial Communications Boards/Units and general-purpose external devices.
CX-Simulator Application software to simulate CS/CJ/CP/NSJ-series CPU Unit operation on the computer to debug PLC programs without a CPU Unit.
CX-Position Application software to create and monitor data for CS/CJ-series Position Control Units (except for High-speed type).
CX-Motion-NCF Application software to monitor and set parameters for CS/CJ-series Position Control Units and Servo Drivers that support MECHATROLINK-II communications.
CX-Motion-MCH Application software to create data for CS/CJ-series MCH Units, create motion programs, and perform monitoring.
CX-Motion Application software to create data for CS/CJ-series, C200HX/HG/HE, and CVM1/ CV-series Motion Control Units, and to create and monitor motion control programs.
CX-Drive Application software to set and control data for Inverters and Servos.
CX-Process Tool Application software to create and debug function block programs for CS/CJ-series Loop Controllers (Loop Control Units/Boards, Process Control CPU Units, and Loop Control CPU Units).
Faceplate Auto-Builder for NS Application software that automatically outputs screen data as project files for NS- series PTs from tag information in function block programs created with the CX- Process Tool.
CX-Designer Application software to create screen data for NS-series PTs.
NV-Designer Application software to create screen data for NV-series small PTs.
CX-ConfiguratorFDT Application software for setting various units by installing its DTM module.
CX-Thermo Application software to set and control parameters in components such as Temperature Control Units.
CX-FLnet Application software for system setting and monitoring of CS/CJ-series Fl-net Units.
Network Configurator Application software to setup and monitor tag data Link for CJ2 (Built-in EtherNet/IP) CPU Units and EtherNet/IP Units.
NX-IO Configurator Application software to set up and maintain EtherNet/IP Coupler Units and NX-series I/O Units on an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit.
CX-Server Middleware necessary for CX-One applications to communicate with OMRON components, such as PLCs, Display Devices, and Temperature Control Units.
Communications Middleware Middleware necessary to communicate with CP1L CPU Unit with built-in Ethernet port.
PLC Tools A group of components used with CX-One applications, such as the CX-Programmer and CX-Integrator. Includes the following: I/O tables, PLC memory, PLC Setup, Data Tracing/Time Chart Monitoring, PLC Error Logs, File Memory, PLC clock, Routing Tables, and Data Link Tables.

System Requirements

Item Requirement
Operating system (OS) *1 *2 Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit version) / Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit version) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit version) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit version)
CPU A processor recommended by Microsoft
Memory *3 A memory recommended by Microsoft
Hard disk Approx. 4.0 GB or more available space is required to install the complete CX-One package.
Display XGA (1,024 × 768), High-Color 16-bit min.
Disk drive DVD-ROM drive
Communications ports RS-232C port, USB port, or Ethernet port *4
Other Internet access is required for online user registration, including a modem or other hardware connection method.
*1. CX-One Operating System Precaution 1) System requirements and hard disk space may vary with the system environment. *2. The following restrictions apply when CX-One is used with Microsoft Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10. The following restrictions apply to some application operations.
Application Restriction
CX-Designer/ NV-Designer If a new Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 font (e.g., Meiryo) is used in a project, the font size on labels may be bigger and protrude from the components if the project is transferred from CX-Designer running on a Windows XP or earlier OS to the NS/NSJ.
CX-Programmer/ CX-Integrator/ Network Configurator Although you can install CPS files, EDS files, Expansion Modules, and Interface Modules, the virtual store function of Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 imposes the following restrictions on the use of the software after installation. These restrictions will not exist if application data is installed using Run as Administrator. If another user logs in, the applications data will need to be installed again. The CPS files will not be automatically updated.
CX-Server Restrictions are imposed on the following functions. The driver cannot be changed from the default setting if Controller Link is set as the network type in the Change PLC dialog box. Online connections will not be possible through Controller Link Boards or SYSMAC LINK Boards. Online connections using FinsGateway as the network type will not be possible from the CX-Programmer or CX-Integrator. Communications will not be possible though a CS1 Board and PCI bus.
*3. The amount of memory required varies with the Support Software used in CX-One for the following Support Software. Refer to user documentation for individual Support Software for details. CX-Programmer, CX-Designer, CX-Thermo, CX-Simulator, CX-Protocol, CX-Motion, CX-Drive, CX-Process Tool, and Faceplate Auto-Builder for NS *4. Refer to the hardware manual for your PLC for hardware connection methods and cables to connect the computer and PLC.

Hard Disk Space Requirements

Support Software in CX-One Approx. hard disk space required. Remarks
CX-Programmer Approx. 330 MB Options can be selected or cleared to install or not install individual Support Sofftware.
CX-Position Approx. 15 MB
CX-Motoion Approx. 45 MB
CX-Motion-NCF Approx. 260 MB
CX-Motion-MCH Approx. 60 MB
CX-Drive Approx. 200 MB
NV-Designer Approx. 110 MB
CX-Process Tool Approx. 100 MB
Faceplate Auto-Builder for NS Approx. 70 MB
CX-Simulator Approx. 45 MB
CX-Thermo Approx. 200 MB
CX-Flnet Approx. 2 MB
Switch Box Utility Approx. 5 MB
NX-IO Configurator Approx. 100 MB
CX-Integrator Approx. 260 MB Always installed. *
CX-Designer Approx. 750 MB
CX-Protocol Approx. 20 MB
Network Configurator Approx. 20 MB
CX-ConfiguratorFDT Approx. 40 MB
CX-Server and PLC Tools Approx. 700 MB
* The CX-Server (communications middleware) and PLC Tools (common components) are installed on the system drive. Note: If the complete CX-One package is installed, approximately 4.0 GB of hard disk space will be required (including workspace required for installation). Check available space on your hard disk before installing software.
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