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Distributor PLC Omron

OMRON (PLC) Programmable Logic Controllers, along with easy-to-use Support Software, are available to flexibly handle applications from small-scale equipment to entire production lines with Programmable Logic Controllers such as those in the CJ1, CS1 and other series.

PLC Omron comes with different series starting from Compact PLC Series, Modular PLC Series, and Rack PLC Series.

It is important that in purchasing PLC Omron, you have deep understanding about PLC Omron Programming. This deep understanding about PLC Omron Programming includes basic understanding about industrial automation, PLC basic knowledge (how it works), Configuring PLC Omron hardware, Connecting input and output of the PLC, PLC Programming, Controlling PLC relay output, and many more. Therefore, PLC Omron has a wide variety of usage and is an important component in Industrial automation.

Klasifikasi Omron PLC

Omron PLC diklasifikasikan menjadi dua model, yaitu Model Kompak dan Model Modular. Klasifikasi ini dibuat berdasarkan bagian perangkat keras yang diintegrasikan. Omron PLC Kompak memiliki bagian Power Supply, unit I/O, dan unit CPU yang terintegrasi menjadi satu kesatuan. Sedangkan Omron PLC Modular modulnya dapat dikonfigurasi dan dipasang sesuai kebutuhan sistem.

Selain klasifikasi model, Omron PLC memiliki klasifikasi berdasarkan ukuran, diantaranya Mikro, Medium, dan Rak.

Spesifikasi Omron PLC

Sebagai distributor OMRON, kami jual Omron PLC dengan spesifikasi Omron PLC yang diperlukan dalam sistem otomasi industri. Berikut ini beberapa spesifikasi Omron PLC yang tersedia.

Model Produk Maks. I/O Kapasitas Program Instruksi Waktu Eksekusi Internal Work (IR) Timer/Counter Data Memory
CJ-Series 2560 pts 120K Step 400 0.02 μs 8192 bit 4096 T/4096 C 256K
CS1-Series 5120 pts 250K Step 400 0.01 μs 8192 bit 4096 T/4096 C 448K

Kami juga melayani jasa pemograman PLC Omron, CX Programmer, ladder diagram, dan sebagainya. Hubungi kami di: +62 31 355 1715.

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