Why Robotic Packaging Automation is the Solution?
Producing products in a cost-effective ways will help to increase business success amidst of competition. Hence, production line automation with the help of robots is getting popular on being implemented in manufacturing companies. This is especially true in the packaging industry.
Why Robots in the Packaging Industry
- Flexibility. It will take a line operator
a much shorter period of time to command a robot to change the packaging type compared
to manually change them. - Accuracy. Robots are built with high
repeatability and accuracy. Therefore, this makes robots to be very suitable in
packaging industry. - Consistency. Robots follow instructions
accurately and stick to the standards. Therefore, they will provide consistent
results. - Better Benefits. With high accuracy
and consistency, robots will help to reduce labor and safety costs. - Fits into many production lines.
With the many capabilities of robots, robots can easily benefit the following
production lines:- Picking and Placing
- Depanning
- Denesting
- Boxing
- Palletizing
- Warehousing
Problems to Take Note in Robotic Automation
Despite the benefits of robots in the packaging industry, it is important to be careful of the following common problems in implementing robotic automation.
- Trying to do too much with
automation. We need to consider which process is better performed with robots or
automation and which better be performed with human. Putting all in robots
responsibilities will cause in the increase of maintenance cost and reduce in
productivity. - Misunderstanding Repeatability and
Accuracy. Repeatable machines do not necessarily mean that the machines are
accurate. Hence, it is important to continuously monitor for accuracy in
robotic machines. - Failure to Assign Robotics
Technology. While robotic technology can help a business, implementing it
wrongly will cause damages. Hence, it is important the the end users understand
and implement the technology correctly.
Therefore, to get started with industrial robotic automation, it is very important that you have end users that understand how the robots work and how to implement them. Consult with us as an experienced robotic automation integrator for your robotic automation needs.
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